We are a Papua New Guinea and internationally-based NGO that bridges hope to every day Papua New Guineans by developing great leaders, strategic partnerships and models that have lasting impact on their lives.

How can I be part of the Tribe?
You can receive our updates and support financially by visiting our donate link.
What are the Tribal Foundation’s Top Priorities?
Our top priorities are developing great leaders and providing a system for responsible resource management while continuing our efforts in the health and education sectors.
What is “Senisim PNG?”
“Everything Rises and Falls With Leadership” as John Maxwell says. As an organization focused on the development of Papua New Guinea, our best use of time and resources is to develop great leaders.
How is the Tribal Foundation funded?
We are funded through individual, government, corporate, NGO, and project support.
Where is the Tribal Foundation based?
We have offices in Port Moresby (PNG) Montrose, Colorado (USA) and Melbourne (Australia).
What is unique about the Tribal Foundation?
We are a bridge that has the ability to span from the western world to small villages. We have connected some of the world’s largest governments and enterprises to villagers in a way that is meaningful and rewarding to all.
Is the Tribal Foundation a religious organization?
No, we are a humanitarian organization that works with all sorts of groups and organizations including churches and other NGOs.